
Those pesky stretch marks that come from gaining....

There is always Bio-oil?? that helps and coconut oil fades them after but i have heard of this blue gel stuff but cant remember its name, that you use to prevent stretch marks forming, Pregnant women use it. Any one know it?
14 years

Those pesky stretch marks that come from gaining....

fatgirlangie wroteYa know what if you don't like stretch marks then don't get fat. I have stretch marks and I don't appreciate you saying that they are hideous. If you can't handle what comes along with being fat then don't do it and be a vain thin person instead since you seem to be more suited for that.

Do you always have to snap so rudely at everyone who ever posts on here asking for some advice? It's a trend that I notice with almost all of your posts.

I definitely understand where you are coming from and ultimately agree with your claim that they are a part of being fat and she will have to deal with them. Given the social stigmata attached to being fat in general, perhaps she is in the process of getting over that, and will, in time, learn to love her stretch-marks in the same way she loves her fat body. Self acceptance comes in stages, and not everyone can instantly be at the stage that you are.

There are more diplomatic and 'nicer' ways to get your points across Angie, especially when the points you make are almost always valid ones.
14 years